Press Review

pizza weekend
What pizza to eat during pizza week! For the extract:
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Recruit with Fouki's rap at Pizzéria No. 900
Rap rhymes with recruitment at Pizzéria No. 900, which calls on Fouki to attract workers who are scarce in this industry hard hit by COVID-19. To read the article:
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Fouki creates buzz by participating in a recruitment campaign
The big day is approaching! The restaurants will soon reopen for our greatest happiness. To attract staff, Pizzéria No. 900 had the good idea of ​​teaming up with the rapper FouKi. To read the article:
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Fouki in the new campaign with NO.900
Fouki in the new NO.900 campaign Pizzéria Napolitaine NO.900™ is taking great measures to attract staff for the reopening of its dining rooms. She called on Fouki , the Quebec rapper and former pizza maker at NO.900™ , to share...
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