Boom in salaries in the kitchen

Boom des salaires en cuisine

Pizzéria NO.900, which has 25 branches in Quebec, launched a campaign that features FouKi, a former employee of the company to which he claims to still be attached. A video shows the rapper, wearing an apron, flouring a dough and topping a pizza.

“It's a little unusual to have a star talking about a job as such. What convinced us to do this was that he was an employee of NO.900. He was part of the opening of the branch on Laurier Avenue [in Montreal]. He really lived the experience. »

— Gabrielle Hamelin, brand manager for Pizzéria NO.900

“We knew that the recruiting crisis was coming,” she adds. All restaurants open at the same time. It gave us time to prepare something bigger than usual. The stakes are immense at the moment. »

In a branch of Pizzeria NO.900, there are generally 25 employees. In each of them, almost half of the positions still need to be filled. “We are on the lookout for everything that is happening on the market,” says Ms. Hamelin. It's not necessarily the salary people are looking for. It's an atmosphere, a job that allows them to evolve, to work with friends. What we want to advocate is a lifestyle. This is more where we stand out. »

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